Thinking you might like a brand new home? We have connections with all of the builders and can help you find just the right one! WHY use a Realtor when you can just stop into a new build community and look at their models? Because the reps in those communities are there to sell you a home and they represent the builder! Builders love us because we bring them buyers and help the buyer through the entire process which may take as long as 8 or 9 months before you can move into your new home! Builders PAY us and our fees are built into the builders spread sheet of costs so why not have your own representation! We can give you tons of TESTIMONIALS of buyers who worked with us to buy their new home! ALWAYS see a Your Realty Link agent before visiting a new build community and when the rep asks you if you are represented by an agent say YES and give them your YRL agent's info and card!
Join our FACEBOOK page too - New Build Connection! We post updates on new construction once a week.